Bostu Zazu is an impressive athletic powerful stud registered sire appraised at 88.9%LNR and scoring A1,A1:0,0
He was bred from a fantastic combination of the famous Mes ASKAM 91.6% ( a Cabaret son of a gun X Trebla Lulu son), and Mes Shakira 89.2% (a Mes Aldor X Mes Misha daughter)
Elevation Paris Hiton appraised at 85.2% is also an athletic and powerful dam, and daughter of Elevation Dax ( a direct Rambo son) coupled up with some extremely good old lines in Belbusk Karmah
Popo has an amazing temperament, and insane movement! She is sweet and loving with the family but willing and more than able to work hard at the drop of a hat.
Confident, Loyal, Obedient
Buoyant and unencumbered movement